
TinyClerk comes with a sample company, id 000, with two fiscal years. It's a small consulting business. Use this sample to explore the application. Try different scenarios freely. You can always reset the sample to the original state from Company / Menu / Reset this company.


When you are ready to start with your own data, there is your own company ready in id 001 with fiscal year of the current year. Follow these steps:

First fiscal year

Just keep adding new vouchers and use the reports as you wish. There are no required processes for closing months or closing the year.

Second fiscal year

If you can, start the next year after the balances of the current year are ready. But it is not required. Create the next year by clicking Company, + and pick the next year of the same id. The new company comes with the same id and next year. Accounts are copied. The opening balancies are derived from the last year. If the balancies of the last year are not ready, you have to update them manually afterwards.

Check the opening balancies by comparing the balance sheets of the previous year 31.12. and the new year 1.1. The balance sheet totals must be the same. Print the accounts to the balance sheets if there is a problem. You can also print trial balancies 1.1. of the new year: the totals must agree with the balance sheet 31.12. of the previous year.

Now you are ready to start adding vouchers. You can also add vouchers to the previous year as long as you wish. There is no built in process to close the year. Your fiscal year doesn't have to follow the calendar year and the fiscal year can be longer than 12 months.

Old fiscal years

There is no built in process to archive old years. You can always archive your backup when the year is ready. You can delete a year and it's data from the Company view by clicking delete, but it is not required or encouraged. Keeping your whole history in the application does not burden it in any way.