There are 5 different reports in the application. Many features of the reports are common, so the order of the report is described commonly.
Order functions
- The printer symbol at bottom of the order view
- Use this if your goal is to print the report to a printer or save it as a pdf
- The screen symbol at the bottom of the order view
- Use this if your goal is to browse the report on screen
Order fields
Report name
- Freeform text
- Prints to the second line of the print version
From date - To date
- The data of Journal, General ledger and Income statement is defined by date range: from date - to date
- The data of Trial balance and Balance sheet is defined by date range 1.1. - to date
- For the Chart of accounts this is just a title
- You can use controls before the date to change the date with monthly amount
Print name
- This is just for Trial balance
- You can omit the name from Trial balance to print a dense report
Print levels
- This is for Balance sheet and Income statement only
- You can control how many header levels you want to see in these reports
- This has no affect on anything else than the report layout
Print accounts
- This is for Balance sheet and Income statement only
- You get more details by printing the accounts
- The application optimizes the layout and not all accounts are always printed
- You can bypass the optimization by setting Account / Print to report to 2
Print zero rows
- This is for Balance sheet and Income statement only
- Normally the row is skipped, if the amounts are zero
Font size
- This affects only the print version
- This is the font-size in pixels
- The default font size of a browser is 16px, which is also the default of the application
- If you change the font size, you probably want to change the lines per page also
- You can get the new default by pressing the refresh control before the lines per page field
Page breaks
- This affects only the print version
- Normally you get a page break when lines per page is full, or there is a group of lines to print that does not fit to the space left in the page
- If you want to print the report without page breaks, set this off
Page per group
- This affects only the print version
- With every report there are some group of lines
If this is on
- In Journal, Ledger and Trial balance every group generates a page break
- In Balance sheet the break happens after Assets total
- In Income statement every header of level 1-2 generates a page break
Lines per page
- This is the main control for page breaks
- Sadly, this is just a best guess of the application
- The reports are in html-format and printing it with page control has too many moving parts for the application
- If you have changed the font size, get a new default by pressing the refresh-control before the field
- The default values are for paper size A4
- You just have to try out to set the right values for you
- The printer-control at the title bar of the print version opens the print preview, use this to find the right value
Compare to previous year
- This is for Balance sheet and Income statement and only when there exists the previous year
Compare to this year
- This is for Balance sheet and Income statement only
- When you set this on, the compare to previous year sets automatically off
In Balance sheet
- You must compare to an earlier date than the to date
- Typically you compare a quarter to another
- For example, when your to date is 12-31, your compare date is 09-30
- But there are no restrictions to the compare date other than it has to be earlier than to date
In Income statement
- You must compare to an earlier range than the from date - to date
- Typically you compare a quarter to another
- For example, when your from date to date is 10-01 - 12-31, your compare range is 07-01 - 09-30
- But there are no restrictions to the compare range other than it has to be earlier than the from date
Functions in print view
Title bar functions:
- This prints the report to an html-file and opens it in print dialog
- It is a cleaner result than opening the print dialog by hand like pressing Ctrl+P in the print view
Save as html-file
- In Android this is only available in the print form
- In Windows this is available also in the view form
- This prints the report to an off-line html-file
- The file is a standalone html-file that has no links
- It can be archived or sent by email and it opens without the application
- In Windows opens a windows explorer to the saved location
In Android opens a menu for destinations:
- Google Drive
- Dropbox
- OneDrive
- Bluetooth
- Email
- This device
Export csv to spreadsheet
- In Android this option is in the order form (print, view, csv, back)
- In Windows this is in the title bar of the report
- This prints the report as a csv file and in Windows opens it in the associated spreadsheet application
- The save location is the same as in above
Copy csv to clipboard
- This copies the csv-lines to the clipboard
- You can paste the lines to any appropriate application
- The csv is in the same format as above
Functions in screen view
Title bar functions in Windows only:
- Opens the view to the printer dialog
Save as html-file
- This prints the view to an html-file and in Windows opens a windows explorer to the saved location
- The file is a standalone html-file that has no links
- It can be archived or sent by email and it opens without the application
Export csv to spreadsheet
Copy csv to clipboard
Report body functions:
Chart of accounts
- When you click the report, the account opens in the Account view
- The < gets you back to the report
- When you click the report, the voucher opens in the Voucher view
- The < gets you back to the Journal
General ledger
- When you click the voucher row of the report, the voucher opens in the Voucher view
- The < gets you back to the General ledger
Trial balance, Balance sheet and Income statement
In Android
- When you click a row other than total or sub total a General ledger of that row opens
- The closing balance of the General ledger matches the balance of the clicked row
- The < gets you back to the original report
In Windows
- When you click a row other than total or sub total a General ledger of that row opens in another tab
- The closing balance of the General ledger matches the balance of the clicked row
- The opened General ledger is an off-line report file and no controls will work there
- You will continue with the application in the report tab
- You can close the General ledger tab whenever you wish
Some "laws" about the reports
if any of these conditions are not met, you have done something wrong:
- Always Debit total == Credit total
General ledger
- All three totals at the end always Debit total == Credit total
Trial balance
- Total balance always zero
Balance sheet Dec 31st
- Assets total == Liabilities total
Balance sheet <-> Income statement
- Take the Balance sheet screen view from any day between Feb. 1 - Dec. 30
- The Assets total and Liabilities total most probably differs, the difference is printed as a last line
- In Windows duplicate the tab
- Take the Income statement of the same date
- The difference amount in the Balance sheet should match the profit in the Income statement
Opening balancies I
- Take the Trial balancies of the current year Jan. 1st
- In Windows duplicate the tab
- Take the Trial balancies of the previous year Dec 31st
The balancies of the Assets and Liabilities accounts should match except:
- Jan. 1st Result of previous financial years = Dec 31st Result of previous financial years + Dec 31st Result for the financial year
Opening balancies II
- Take the Trial balancies of the current year Jan. 1st
- In Windows duplicate the tab
- Take the Balance sheet of the previous year Dec. 31st
- All these totals should match: Debit total, Credit total, Assets total, Liabilities total