The object called company in this application is actually one fiscal year of the real company.
View functions
Here are the functions of the view:
- Add a new fiscal year to the current company (same id)
- Add a new company branch (new id)
Restrictions of the free version
- You can only have the two years of the sample company (000-) and one year of your own company (001-)
- The paid version has no restrictions
- Change the data of the company
Delete a company and all it's data
- You can delete the sample company
- You can always add it back if you need to (the data comes along)
From the menu of the title bar
- Print a csv file from all the companies
- Reset the data of the sample company
Search of the title bar
- Company search is a separate view
- You can change the current company from this
Data fields
Note that some attributes in here affects the way money is saved and calculated. You shouldn't change them lightly after the setup.
- One id-year -pair is called in the application a company
- One id contains a real world company
- When you start a new real world company, you create a new id
- When you start a new year to an existing company, you create a new year to an existing id
- Be careful not to create a new id when you intend to create a new year - you lose the comparability of years
- You cannot change the id
- You cannot choose the new id, it is always the next available
- The max id is 999, but you cannot really handle so many companies alone with this
- This is the name of the fiscal year
- The fiscal year is named with one year, but it can be any period between 1 and 24 months
- This is the calendar year of the start of the fiscal year
- You cannot change this after it is saved
- The name of the company
- You cannot update the name of the sample company
Number of levels
- This is the number of the header levels of the chart of accounts
- Possible values are 2-8
- You cannot set it smaller than your current maximum in accounts
- The layout of your balance sheet and income statement derives the layout of the chart of accounts which derives this
- This affects just the layout of the reports, so you can change it safely
Account number length
- Set this preferably permanently before you record your accounts
- This affects the format your accounts are saved
- All account numbers have the same format
- The number range is 2-8
- You cannot set it shorter than your current minimum (without leading zeros) in accounts
If you change this, the behaviour is following
Account is numeric
- You shorten the length let's say from 5 to 4 -> one zero in front of every account is deleted
- If you make your account longer, you get more leading zeros
- Note that if you change this, you have to change the previous year also or you lose comparability
Account is non-numeric
- No change to the existing accounts
Account number numeric
- Check marks yes and - marks no
- If possible, set your account number numeric, non-numeric account number is not a well tested feature
- Set this permanently before you record your accounts
- Changing this after initial setup may lead to unpredictable features
- You cannot change this from non-numeric to numeric, if there is a non-numeric account number in accounts
- Numeric accounts are always at the same length with possible leading zeros
- Non-numeric accounts can be different lengths, it depends how you input them
Number of decimals
- How many decimals you want to save in your money fields
- The default is 2, the possible range is 0-3
- This affects how your money fields are input, saved and displayed
- This is not the way to change the display format, that is the attribute Figures devided by
- Don't change this lightly after you set it up
Note: there is no conversion here, if you change this after vouchers are recorded, you get this behaviour:
- Let's say you have this first in default 2
- You record an entry of Dr 10.55, which also the Journal shows
- You change this to 3
- Your Journal shows now 1.055
Decimal separator
- This affects how the money fields are displayed
- This is also the character you have to use in input
- The default is a point
- Possible values are: point, comma and apostrophe
- This doesn't affect the way the amounts are saved, so you can change it safely
Group separator
- This affects how the money fields are displayed
- You can use this in input, but it is not mandatory
- The default is comma
- Possible values are: point, comma, blank, underscore and nothing
- This doesn't affect the way the amounts are saved, so you can change it safely
Group length
- Group separator is used to group the money field in groups of this length
- The default is 3, but also 2 is possible
- This doesn't affect the way the amounts are saved, so you can change it safely
Figures devided by
- This affects how the money fields are displayed
- If your money fields are quite big numbers, you may display them divided by, say 1000
- The default is: no division
- The possible values are nothing and 10 to the power of 1-6
- This doesn't affect the way the amounts are saved, so you can change it safely
Date separator
- This affects how the date fields are displayed
- The application is optimized for the format yyyy-mm-dd, so use this if you can
- Possible values are: hyphen, slash, point, blank, comma, nothing
- This doesn't affect the way the dates are saved, so you can change it safely
Year length on date
- This affects how the date fields are displayed
- The default is 4, but you can use also 2
- This doesn't affect the way the amounts are saved, so you can change it safely
Date order
- The application is optimized for the format yyyy-mm-dd
- All possible orders are available
- The verbal variations are not available
- This doesn't affect the way the amounts are saved, so you can change it safely
- The verbal date formats are not supported