This view is used to update the data of the account and the structure of the chart of accounts.
An object called account in this application contains all the objects the chart of accounts is made of.
The chart of accounts in the application contains all the structural data which is needed to print the balance sheet and income statement.
Every company (id-year) has a separate copy of accounts.
For the sake of comparability, you should keep the accounts similar over the fiscal years.
You can add new accounts freely to the old years. It's not always necessary, but if you want to avoid compare problems, it is recommended.
The view consists of two parts: the account details and the chart list. There is always one account currrent in the chart.
That row is colored red and the details of that account is in the details form. By clicking the chart row, you can change the
current row. New row is added (+) after the current row. If you want to move the row up or down in the chart, there is little
arrowhead-controls in the current row of the list. The rows are not ordered by account number. It seems to be a common
practice to number the accounts so that all the accounts in a group starts with same sequence. But this is not required here.
The rows are ordered by a sequence number running left in the list rows. The last number of the sequence is 0,
so you can add nine rows before renumbering is needed. The renumbering is done automatically, so you don't have to care about it.
The sequence number is purely technical and renumbering changes it, so it is not a key to the account.
In accounting you refer to the account with the account number. You never need to refer the types G, S or T. So these types have no
account numbers. The key of the row type G, S, T is the position in the chart. If you import the chart from a csv, the positions
of these types in the file are crucial.
View functions
- Add a new account to the current company
- Change the data of the account
- Delete an account, possible only if there is no entries on it
From the menu of the title bar
- Export a csv
Import a csv
- You can import your own chart with this
- Use the export to get a sample of the file and keep the same format
- If there is a single format error in the file, the whole file is rejected
- The old chart is deleted by the program
You can import a new chart even if you have entries already, you just have to import all the account
numbers used in the entries
- Note that you have to import the four mandatory headers at levels 1-2 also (see below)
Copy accounts
- With this, you can copy the chart from another company
- Before copying the old chart is deleted by the program
- Maybe take a backup before using this
Delete accounts
- You can delete your chart with this
- Note that all the accounts are deleted even if there are entries in them
- So after this you have to create the chart again with import, copying or manually
- Maybe take a backup before using this
Title bar search
- If your chart is quite long, you may need to use this
- Account search opens a new view
- It is the same list of accounts plus two filters
- You can filter the list with account number and/or account name
- Clicking the row gets you back to the Account view to the clicked row
Account types
G Header
- This is the group (level) header of the chart, the type id of the header is G as in Group
- Headers forms the title rows of the balance sheet and income statement
There are four headers that are mandatory:
- G1 Balance sheet
- G2 Assets
- G2 Liabilities
- G1 Income statement
- You can change the names, but you cannot delete them
- If you import the chart, these must be included (see the export csv for format)
A Account
- This is the object you attach your entry with
- Account is in the lowest level, you cannot put headers below it
S Subtotal
- In income statement you need to print rows that are totals calculated above, subtotal is the type you do it
- This kind of rows are e.g. Gains and Profit before taxes
- For these kind of rows use Subtotal in level 1 (S1)
- If you need to print group subtotal rows, then use the level of the group
T Total
- In balance sheet you want to print T2 Assets total and T2 Liabilities total (Total level 2)
- In income statement you print the final row with T1 Profit
Data fields
Account number
- With the account type A, you input the number when you add the row
- All other types have no account numbers, they show sequence number + type id + level
- You cannot change the account number after it is added
- You are free to name all rows as you wish
Opening balance
- Dr is debet and Cr is credit
- The opening balances are set at the start of the fiscal year
- With your first fiscal year you have to set them manually
- After that, the program sets them, if you create the new fiscal year after the balancies of the current year are closed
Print to report
- This may be meaningful only for types S and T
- With this flag you can prevent some S/T-row to print without having to delete the row (0 print never)
- It is meant to format the balance sheet and income statement
- By default every row is of type 1 print optional
The rows printing to balance sheet and income statement are optimized heavily,
this is why there is the option 2 print always to prevent some unwanted optimization.
Use the value 2 manually when needed.
More info
- This is used to flag some accounts as special
- By default all accounts are of type 0 not special
There is one account in the chart called Retained earnings. This account has all the money you have earned in
previous years. The application needs to know this account so it can calculate the opening balances when the new
fiscal year is created. Flag the Retained earnings account with More info type 1.
There are two accounts in the chart you record your earnings of the current year.
One is under the Balance sheet/Liabilities and one is under the Income statement.
The application needs to know the account under the Balance sheet/Liabilities, so flag that account with more info 2.
Also this flag is used in calculating the opening balances.
You probably have one bank account you use most often to pay bills. Flag this account with more info 3.
This is used in accounting shortcut for creating a counter entry for the voucher.